Geo Clinics

Fistula Treatment​

Best Fistula Treatment Doctors in Bangalore


The leading causes of an anal fistula are clogged anal glands and anal abscesses. Other, much less common, conditions that can cause an anal fistula include:


When it’s infected, a pilonidal cyst becomes a swollen mass (abscess). Signs and symptoms of an infected pilonidal cyst include:

The leading causes of an anal fistula are clogged anal glands and anal abscesses. Other, much less common, conditions that can cause an anal fistula include:

Signs and Symptoms


Your doctor can usually diagnose an anal fistula by examining the area around the anus. He or she will look for an opening (the fistula tract) on the skin. In many cases, there will be drainage from the external opening.

Some fistulas may not be visible on the skin’s surface. In this case, your physician may need to perform additional tests:

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